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I am a PhD candidate at EPFL advised by Victor Panaretos in the chair of Mathematical Statistics.

I am interested in statistical inference for random processes and inverse problems arising in the context of optimal transport and functional data analysis. This often brings me in close contact with pure/applied probability, optimisation and data science.

You may find my full CV here.


epfl Oct. 2020 - current, EPFL (Lausanne, CH)
PhD candidate in Mathematical Statistics, supervised by prof. Victor Panaretos.
ucb Sep. - Dec. 2023, University of California Berkeley (US)
Research stay hosted by prof. Steve Evans, fall semester.
teralytics Apr. - Oct. 2020, Teralytics AG (Zürich, CH)
Machine Learning intern in the Data Science team.
eth Sept. 2018 - March 2020, ETH (Zürich, CH)
Master's degree in Mathematics.
unitn Sept. 2015 - Jul.2018, Università degli Studi di Trento (IT)
Bachelor's degree in Mathematics.